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    Semantic and Structural Peculiarities of the Texts of Advertisements

    1. Definition of the notion advertising, Main pragmatic purposes of the texts of advertisements………….………………………..3-5
    2. Classifications of advertisements and commercials………….5-8
    3. Structure of the texts of advertisements……………..……….8-15
    4. Language of the texts of advertisements……………….…..15-27
    5. Violations of linguistic norm in advertising………… …….27-31
    6. Conclusion……………………………………………………32

    The present paper is an attempt to indicate and to analyse the most typical phonetic, lexical and syntactical stylistic devices and the expressive means of the language, as well as the pragmatic purpose of the latter used in the texts of printed advertisements.
    The choice of the subject of the present study was predetermined by the existing interest to the problems of pragmatics, as well as to the ways of its realisation in texts of different functional styles. Though advertising texts have been given a thorough study in the papers on stylistic and lingostylistic during the latest decades, a number of questions need further study and a more detailed treatment. Texts of advertisements present a vast material for study, which can hardly be regarded to be completely exhausted.
    The tasks of the present paper are the following: 1) to dwell on the most frequently employed phonetic, lexical and syntactical stylistic devices and the expressive means of the language in the texts of advertisements; 2) to speculate on the pragmatic purpose of the above mentioned SDs and EMs.
    The purpose of the paper is to indicate the most common SDs and EMs of the language for the texts of advertisements and to define the main pragmatic purpose of each device.
    The structure of the paper is predetermined by the tasks and the purposes of the latter. It consists of two major parts: the theoretical part and the practical. In order to analyse the SDs and the EMs of the language, which most commonly occur in the texts of advertisements, the author of the paper found it noteworthy to dwell on such lingostylistic problems as: the structure of the texts of advertisements, the definition of the notion “pragmatics”; its realisation in the texts of printed advertisements; the general description of the SDs and the EMs of the language, most common for the texts of advertisements. The practical part of the paper presents a detailed analysis of several advertising texts, which were regarded from the point of view of the SDs and EMs employed in them and from the point of view of their pragmatic purpose.
    Texts of advertisements are borrowed from American and English newspapers and magazines as the material for the present study.
    The material of the present study can be used at the classes on text analysis and the lectures on the theory of stylistics.

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