The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that the formation of lexical skill is one of the main tasks of learning a foreign language in secondary school in accordance with educational standards. Vocabulary skill implies that students have the ability not only to understand the meanings of foreign words, but also to use these words in their active vocabulary during a real communicative situation. One of the main conditions for successful formation of the lexical skill of learners is the use of a variety of forms and methods of teaching.
The role and place of CLIL learning in the formation of lexical skill in secondary school students in English lessons have been investigated by many scientists, educators, psychologists and methodologists. The analysis of the theoretical literature has revealed a contradiction between the important role of CLIL learning in the formation of lexical skill and insufficiently effective use of CLIL learning in the modern school when teaching adolescents. In connection with this contradiction, the research problem was formulated: how can CLIL instruction be used to form lexical skill in adolescents in English lessons?
The purpose of this work is to investigate the role and place of CLIL learning in the formation of lexical skill in middle school-aged children in English lessons.
In connection with this goal, the following tasks were set.
1.To investigate the concept and essence of CLIL learning as an important element of the learning process.
2.To study the psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of teaching foreign language to middle school age children.
3.To consider the peculiarities of CLIL teaching at English lessons in the process of formation of lexical skill of middle school children.
4.To develop and test the system of CLIL teaching aimed at the formation of lexical competence in children of middle school age.
The object of the research is the formation of lexical skill in middle school age students in English lessons.
The subject of the research is the influence of CLIL teaching on the formation of lexical skills of middle school age students in English lessons.
Hypothesis of the research: the use of CLIL teaching contributes to the formation of lexical skills in middle school-aged children if the following conditions are observed:
-applying a differentiated approach in evaluating the students’ progress;
-application of modern information technologies in the educational process.
Methods of research are analysis of theoretical literature, observation, testing, questioning.
The practical significance of the work is connected with the fact that the developed and tested system of CLIL training can be used in the practice of modern secondary school to form the lexical skill of students.
The work consists of two chapters, a practical chapter and an empirical chapter, an introduction, a conclusion and a list of used literature.