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    Customer satisfaction in Hotel Leikari

    Customer satisfaction in Hotel Leikari, 51 pages, 2 appendix
    University of Applied Sciences
    Thesis 2020
    This is a research thesis done in a cooperation with the hotel. The thesis was conducted to examine current customer satisfaction in Hotel Leikari. The purpose of the thesis is to find out information through customer satisfaction survey. During previous years amount of clients has decreased and there is need to find what could be the reasons for that. One reason for that could be lowered/weakened customer satisfaction. With the help of customer satisfaction survey, hotel Leikari gets information about (main topics for received information) to be able to develop services.  Here the aim is to meet the clients’ expectations.
    During the research both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used. Also, a comparative method was used in order to compare scientific literature on the subject. For data collection, the method of survey were used. Moreover, the clients were asked to answer some questions in a free form. The study was carried out in Leikari Hotel by handing out a questionnaire to the customers.
    The results of the study show that the level of services in Leikari Hotel must be improved. Based on the findings of the survey, the level of customers’ satisfaction at the site is not very high. Contrary to expectations, the results indicated that, in spite of a good location of the hotel and developed infrastructure, there are some sufficient drawbacks connected with work of the staff. The recommendations made as s result of this study have been implemented in the current work and service of Leikari Hotel. The results can be applied to other hotels with the same infrastructure and patterns of service. Further study is required to elaborate possible patterns of improving the clients’ satisfaction in Leikari Hotel.
    Keywords: Customers satisfaction, Hotel Leikari, service, hospitality.

    Table of Contents 1
    Introduction…………………………………………………………………. 4
    2 The reasons of investigating the topic……………………………………………………………….. 5
    3 Aims and delimitations………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
    4 Theoretical background…………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
    5 The notions of tourism and hospitality in the context of hotel services……………. 11
    5.1.Tourism and its influence on the hotel services………………………………………… 11
    5.2.Hospitality and its impact on the hotels’ work…………………………………………. 13
    5.3.The importance of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction……………… 15
    5.4 Service quality and the role of people…………………………………………………………….. 17
    6.1. Service quality………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
    6.2 The range of services provided………………………………………………………………. 24
    6.3. Organizational structure of the hotel………………………………………………….. 25
    7 Research methods…………………………………………………………………………………………… 30
    7.1 Qualitative method…………………………………………………………………………………….. 30
    7.2 Data collection……………………………………………………………………………………….. 30
    7.3. Designing the questionnaire……………………………………………………………… 31
    Data analysis and result………………………………………………………………33
    8.1.Data analysis……………………………………………………………………..33
    8.3.Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………………. 33
    Figures……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 46
    10.Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 47
    Applications………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 50

    8.3. Conclusions

    Majority of the clients were not satisfied with the work of the restaurant. For example, the clients mentioned: «Bad restaurant, Food was awful».

    This result witnesses the need in the restaurant’s organization. It is necessary to hire a new Chef, to upgrade the menu, to revise the quality of production.

    In addition, the clients mentioned old-fashioned interior of the hotel, insufficient amount of entertainment, the absence of swimming pool that was working earlier, and a long way to the center of the city.

    Thus, summing up, we must say the following:

    The hotel researched in this investigation has significant advantages: a successful location near shopping centers, organization of concerts with popular performers. In spite of not very good work of the staff mentioned by many clients, in general the clients say that thee staff is polite.

    However, in spite of positive features of the hotel, there is a whole range of defects. The most important ones are bad quality of the food and a bad work of the whole restaurant in general.

    Many clients of the hotel would like to return the swimming pool that was working some time ago. It is necessary to expand the range of entertainments. In addition, the clients mention old-fashioned interior of the hotel.

    All above-mentioned facts witness the need in special measures aimed at the upgrade of the hotel’s work.

    8.3. Conclusions

    Majority of the clients were not satisfied with the work of the restaurant. For example, the clients mentioned: «Bad restaurant, Food was awful».

    This result witnesses the need in the restaurant’s organization. It is necessary to hire a new Chef, to upgrade the menu, to revise the quality of production.

    In addition, the clients mentioned old-fashioned interior of the hotel, insufficient amount of entertainment, the absence of swimming pool that was working earlier, and a long way to the center of the city.

    Thus, summing up, we must say the following:

    The hotel researched in this investigation has significant advantages: a successful location near shopping centers, organization of concerts with popular performers. In spite of not very good work of the staff mentioned by many clients, in general the clients say that thee staff is polite.

    However, in spite of positive features of the hotel, there is a whole range of defects. The most important ones are bad quality of the food and a bad work of the whole restaurant in general.

    Many clients of the hotel would like to return the swimming pool that was working some time ago. It is necessary to expand the range of entertainments. In addition, the clients mention old-fashioned interior of the hotel.

    All above-mentioned facts witness the need in special measures aimed at the upgrade of the hotel’s work.

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