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    Анализ персонала туристической фирмы. Дипломная работа на английском языке

    Human resources management is one of the most important and demanded spheres because nowadays human potential is considered as а significant instrument for development of any enterprise (in the research a travel agency will be examined). And motivation is the most consequential condition for efficient personnel work. Thereby personnel activity motivation and analyze of the methods of employees’ motivation management are important issues worth consideration.
    To examine what a financial, psychological and social situation is in the travel agency methods of questionnairing, analyzing of the company’s economic performance, estimating of extrinsic motives structure of the staff, applying of methodology of “emotional burnout” were used. Also analyze of used literature and various theories allowed to know the motive structure and motivation principles. The main idea is that every motive is based on needs low-level, or high-level and satisfaction of them is a principal stimulus.
    The features of personnel motivation in a travel agency are examined in the research. Its principal aspects in financial and economic activity, management complications are regarded and the role of motivation in personnel stimulating is defined.
    In addition while researching this issue the economical problems of the travel agency under examining and psychological problems of its staff were found out.
    Thereby the creating of well thought-out system of employees’ motivation management and working out of some recommends for improving of the present situation and of the management practice looks to one of the effective measures to cope with mentioned troubles.

    The contents

    The Introduction……………………………………………………….…3

    The Literature Review……………………………………………………10

    The Method………………………………………………………………18

    Results …………………………………………………………………..36

    Discussions and Conclusions……………………………………………42

    Appendices ……………………………………………………………..49

    Bibliography ……………………………………………………………52
    The Introduction.
    Motivational aspects acquire the more importance in sphere of present-day tourism management. The personnel motivation is the main way for providing the optimal use of recourses, for the mobilization of existing personnel potential. The principal aim of the motivation process is receiving the maximum effect of existing human resources use. This can raise the general labour productivity and profitability of the business activity.
    The growing person’s role is the feature of present-day human recourses management. Therefore the correlation between impetuses and needs the motivation system is based on is changing. Both financial and non-financial motivation methods are used. Meanwhile neither staff management experience nor management theories provide with a certain picture of the correlation between staff motivation aspects and the most effective methods of management, (Vorozheikin, 2001).
    The present situation in Russia brings both great opportunities and serious threats to every personality in the matter of steadiness of its existence. That is why a very high level of ambiguity appears in everyone’s life, this leads to drop in professional activity, (Grinberg, 1993).
    The personnel management philosophy means forming of a certain employee’s behavior toward to development goals of a company. So the motivation of personnel labour activity takes on special significance. A person should be interested in his work or, in other words, motivated to work honestly and efficiently, (Grinberg, 1993).

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