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    The Results of Russia’s Accession to WTO for Russia and EU. Диссертация 2013 г.



    Chapter 1. Basic Principles and Mechanisms of WTO Functioning. Obligations and Rights of its Members

    1.1. General Information on WTO and the Basic Principles of its Work.

    1.2. Opportunities of WTO Member Countries in the Field of the Adoption of Additional

    1.2.1. Protection Measures

    1.2.2. Anti-dumping Actions

    1.2.3. Compensatory Duties

    1.2.4. Measures of Protection

    Chapter 2. Russia’s Accession to the WTO

    2.1. The WTO in the EU

    2.2. Analysis of the Measures Taken by Russia in the Preparation to the WTO Accession

    2.2.1. Major Changes in Legislation

    2.2.2. Application of Laws and Development of Institutions

    2.2.3. Customs Union

    2.3. The Basic Obligations of Russia, Adopted in the Framework of Negotiations with WTO State-Members

    2.3.1. Reduction in Tariffs

    2.3.2. Access to Service Markets

    2.3.3. Export Customs Duties

    2.3.4. General Obligations in Relation to Access to Markets

    2.3.5. Special Economic Zones

    2.3.6. Agreement on Government Procurement

    2.3.7. Subsidies in Industry and Agriculture

    2.3.8. Industrial Assembly and Other Trade-Related Investment Measures

    2.3.9. Price-List Formation to Energy Carriers

    2.3.10. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and Technical Barriers in Trade

    2.3.11. Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

    2.3.12. Transparency

    Chapter 3. Numerical Estimates of the Consequences of Russia’s WTO Accession to the EU and Russia

    3.1. The Research Methodology

    3.2. Assessment of the Impact of WTO Accession for Russia’s Economy

    3.3. Assessment of the Impact of Russia’s Accession to the WTO for the EU

    3.4. Assessment of the Impact of Russia’s Accession to the WTO  for the Agricultural Holding „Krasnii Vostok”

    3.5. Assessment of the Impact of Russia’s Accession to the WTO  for the Company „Russian Railroads” (Rossiiskie Zheleznie dorogi)

    Chapter 4. Recommendations to Enhance Positive Effects of Russia’s accession to the WTO and to Mitigate its Adverse Effects

    5.1. Monotowns

    5.2. Privatization

    5.3. Infrastructure

    5.4. Improving the Business Climate in the Country and in the Regions

    5.5. Reduced Costs for Exporters




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